Why Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a complete antenatal programme helping you feel relaxed and in control during pregnancy and labour.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to giving birth and whether you have a natural birth or a caesarean, hypnobirthing can help ensure you have your best possible birth.
Benefits of Hypnobirthing
Feel calmer during pregnancy, labour and after the birth of your baby.
Mums often bounce back quicker as the physical impact of giving birth can be reduced.
Less medical interventions, helping your baby develop naturally and easily after they arrive.
Length of labour is often shorter.
You are likely to experience a more comfortable birth.
Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth.
It was through my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist that I discovered hypnobirthing; I was fascinated by the benefits that hypnobirthing offered and wanted to develop my skills and qualifications further.
I trained with KG Hypnobirthing and qualified as a Hypnobirthing Practitioner in 2016.
Having had two children of my own, I understand how important it is to feel informed and confident about your birth, to know what your choices are, and what a huge difference it can make if you feel calm during both your pregnancy and labour.
The mind is an incredibly powerful tool and when you feel calm, confident and in control, you are able to make decisions that are the right ones for you (this applies to any aspect of life, not just birth!). That calm strength empowers you to listen to and work with your body during labour.
Hypnobirthing is a wonderful and powerful tool, helping you to prepare for and experience birth in the best possible way for you.
Whilst I discovered hypnobirthing too late for my own births, I am passionate about helping you to feel confident and strong about your own experience. For me, working with you, and partners too, as you prepare for birth is an absolute privilege.
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Hypnobirthing Tools & Techniques
KG Hypnobirthing is a comprehensive antenatal programme which explains what is going on in your body as your baby grows, as well as understanding what is happening when you go into labour. The hypnobirthing tools and techniques help you to learn how to release and reframe any fear or negativity and instead feel a calm confidence and of course excitement about the arrival of your baby.
Enabling a Calm and Positive Birth Experience
Hypnobirthing is logical, simple and practical and above all it makes sense! The brain is an incredibly powerful tool and if we are able to use the brain to work with and for our bodies during pregnancy and particularly during labour, this can lead to a much calmer and more positive birth experience.
Empowered Pregnancy
The programme is designed to enable and empower you during pregnancy. It is also very powerful for partners as they learn through the course how best to provide support during pregnancy and labour, allowing you to focus on growing and giving birth to your baby.
Questions about Hypnobirthing
Whether you are alone or with a partner, hypnobirthing is a wonderful tool during pregnancy and labour. If you have any questions or concerns or would just like to know some more about hypnobirthing, I’d love to hear from you. Please do get in touch and I would be delighted to help in any way I can.
"I have been present at hypnobirthing births and seen how in control the women are, and how also the partners are a lot calmer and able to help, and what a difference it really does make to the start of parenthood for them"
- Midwife